Love/Hate Relationship I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love it that it allows me to keep up with friends and family, provides forums for "quick-takes" and can be a great resource for deeper reading when links to books and journals are provided. I hate it when it becomes a platform for debate or is used to stir up controversy. The "hate" part of my relationship with social media has been alive and well over the course of the last few days following my denomination's annual meeting which is called our General Assembly. There is a lot of work that takes place during this week; good and necessary work for the good of the Presbyterian Church in America. But, inevitably, stuff will happen that can be controversial. Controversy is in the eye of the beholder, often times. For many of my friends and fellow elders in the PCA, one particular issue was worrisome. I'm Glad You Asked (but not really) We debated and eventually approved a st...
not a blogger, but from time to time I will post some stuff