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Showing posts from April, 2014

Review: Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung

What a wonderful providence of God that Kevin DeYoung's newest book, " Taking God at His Word: Why the Bible is Knowable, Necessary, and Enough and What That Means for You and Me " would be published right now. With the attempt to redefine what marriage is, what sex is and for whom, God's Word and our understanding of it (and Him) seems to be up for grabs, culturally speaking. Not too long ago my alma mater was in the midst of controversy over the nature of God's Word. This too provided the opportunity for the publication of a wonderful resource. (Find my very brief thoughts on the controversy and links to the resource here .) Rev. DeYoung is a gifted writer. I've enjoyed reading most of what he has written. (I've never liked referring to author's by their last name only. It sounds almost disrespectful to my Texas-born ears. I will refer to Rev. DeYoung as Rev. DeYoung a day this is especially appropriate given the subject matter. He is a mini...

Where Do You Stand?

Our last brief post  was on the subject of God's Word; the Bible. This, Dr. Gaffin makes clear, is our only reliable and true source of Truth. Do you believe God's Word is trustworthy? Complete? Authoritative? Compelling?  Where you stand on these questions will have everything  to do with where you stand on the work of Jesus on your behalf; His ongoing work in you by His Spirit, His final work of consummation and everything in between. I just finished reading  Kevin DeYoung's recently published book " Taking God at His Word " and I have also written a review of it which I will post later today or tomorrow.. That will be our next order of business. (Just so you'll know I plan on strongly encouraging you to buy the book   in the next post). But in the meantime and just to whet the whistle, read this . Kevin DeYoung's book is very relevant to our discussion of "By Faith, Not By Sight" which we will take up again after the next post/review.

This is God's Word

This is the seventh post in a series on the book,  "By Faith, Not By Sight"  by Dr. Richard Gaffin. The links to the previous posts are here:   #1    #2    #3    #4    #5   #6 This may be the most important thing for us to remember as we think about all that is before us; this is God's Word. As is already clear, we are focusing on the Apostle Paul's words found in the Bible.  But we do so understanding that Paul is an apostle; "...that is, as he is an instrument of God's revelation, authorized by the exalted Christ, for attesting and interpreting salvation manifested in Christ." (BFNBS, pg 7) There are at least two crucial implications we can draw from this. First, this is not some isolated academic or practical study we are about. When dealing with God's very Word we are dealing with God Himself as speaker. We are responsible to Him for how we understand Paul. Care must be taken. Second, these letters of Pau...

Don't Get Tripped Up

This is the sixth (semi-) post in a series on the book, " By Faith, Not By Sight " by Dr. Richard Gaffin. The previous posts can be found at the following links: #1   #2   #3   #4   #5 We need to make sure we understand, at least in a cursory way, what gave rise to Dr. Gaffin's lectures of 2004 that became "By Faith, Not By Sight" that will occupy our time. So we at least skimmed over the top of the weeds a little bit. But don't let these first few posts trip you up. As we continue, this rich theology will bear much practical fruit. So we will keep going, just like these guys... ( HT )