"If a pastor is to be a good pastor, there must be as much time when he is unavailable to his people as there is time when he is available to counsel them and visit in their homes." James Boice from The Preacher and Preaching, chapter 3, The Preacher and Scholarship, page 99.
The start of the new year often means the start of a new Bible reading plan. For most of us, we start strong, fight through the "descendants" and difficult names. The familiarity of Exodus (thanks to Cecil B. DeMille ) puts some winds in our reading sails. Then we hit the rough waters of Leviticus. You get the idea... God reveals Himself to us in His Word. We want to see Him in His Triune glory there. Fighting against the difficulty of reading regularly, consistently, and prayerfully is one of the most important battles we face every day that God gives us. Below, I am recommending three resources that may help you, not just stick with your Bible reading, but love God's Word more, even the difficult parts. My prayer is that one or two or all three of these resources will help you fight and win the battle so you can consistently read God's Word and God will consistently bless you through your personal Bible reading. This is not a countdown, from best to least...
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